

A&M Labor für Analytik und Metabolismusforschung GmbH was founded in 1990 and was certified in 1991 as the first bioanalytical contract research lab in Germany according to the strict guidelines of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). Since then, our affiliated company has successfully participated in the analysis of well in excess of 300 different novel chemical and biological agents in over 2,000 projects. The lab team, including seven scientists with doctorates in natural sciences, supervises its projects with the highest level of commitment and professionalism. Benefit from unrivalled expertise in the field of mass spectrometry and use the experience of our colleagues to set your projects on a secure data basis:

Method development and validation per GLP
Analysis of your PK/TK studies per GLP and GCP
Analysis of biomarkers
In vitro and in vivo ADME research with a focus on drug metabolism
Structural elucidation of unknown compounds

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